Resources for Healthcare Professionals

HealthLink BC provides professionals with various external referral forms for patients to access supportive care outlets such as Pain & Symptom Management / Palliative Care.

Qualified Exercise Professionals are available to provide information and advice related to physical activity and exercise to residents of British Columbia, including people living with and beyond cancer.

Exercise Recommendations for People With Bone Metastases

In 2022, the International Bone Metastases Exercise Working Group published exercise recommendations for people living with bone metastases, including this risk assessment tool to inform the likelihood of a skeletal complication from exercise.

BC Cancer: Exercise Prescription Pad

BC Cancer’s Exercise Prescription Pad outlines exercise guidelines for individuals living with cancer.

Moving Through Cancer – Infographic

In 2018, the American College of Sports Medicine held a roundtable on cancer and exercise and published an article on exercise guidelines for individuals living with and beyond cancer.

Moving Through Cancer – Consolidated Infographic

The American College of Sports Medicine also published a consolidated infographic of their findings from the 2018 Roundtable

CEPL: How to Measure Your Arm

The Cancer Exercise and Physiotherapy Lab (CEPL) has developed a short tutorial to assist individuals in measuring their arm. Measuring your arm after Breast Cancer treatment is important as it is an indication of whether an individual’s lymphedema self-management strategies are working effectively and helps track the onset of swelling.