Past ISEO Webinars

Exercise across the post-diagnosis cancer continuum: A new framework for the study of exercise oncology

Date: September 19th, 2024
Speaker: Dr. Kerry Courneya

In this talk, Dr. Kerry Courneya will present a new integrated framework—Exercise Across the Post-diagnosis Cancer Continuum (EPiCC)—that highlights the distinct roles of exercise for disease treatment and supportive care from diagnosis until death. The EPiCC Framework is structured around multiple sequential cancer treatments that highlight six distinct cancer treatment-related time periods for exercise—before treatments, during treatments, between treatments, immediately after successful treatments, during longer term survivorship after successful treatments, and during end of life after unsuccessful treatments. The aim of the EPiCC Framework is to stimulate a more targeted, integrated, and clinically-informed approach to the study of exercise after a cancer diagnosis.

Information of interest:

Call for papers ‘Journal of Sport and Health Science. Special Issue ‘Exercise as Cancer Treatment’

An integrated framework for the study of exercise across the postdiagnosis cancer continuum

Webinar recording: