GRACE: Gynecological Cancer Balance Assessment Study

Purpose: Researchers at UBC / BC Cancer are evaluating balance instruments to determine which questionnaires and balance tests are most appropriate for people with gynecological cancers. This information will help inform the selection of future evaluation tools in cancer exercise research.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Age 18 years or older
  2. Diagnosed with a gynecological cancer
  3. Completed primary chemotherapy/radiation treatment (within the last two years)
  4. If received surgery, at least 3 months post-operative 
  5. Able to ambulate independently (with or without gait aides)
  6. Communicate sufficiently in English to consent, complete questionnaires and follow testing instructions safely
  7. Able to attend an in-person one-hour assessment in Vancouver 

Referral Process:
This study is open and welcomes referrals from oncology teams as well as directly from patients. Direct referrals can be made by email or a patient can self-refer.

For all referrals, please contact: 

Kendra Zadravec (Study Coordinator)
Phone:  604-827-1914 (ask about GRACE)